Hiring decision in Amazon

Written by An Amazon SDE | November 13, 2024

After the onsite loop is finished, the interviewing team gathers to take the decision. This meeting has multiple parties involved.

The bar raiser starts by going around, taking any high level comments, then commencing with all the competencies that Amazon measures against. Every interviewer gets to show his feedback, gets asked on it, tries to convince the team with his decision.
Prior to the meeting, every interviewer must input his feedback, that includes if he agrees with hiring you or not, then the bar raiser challenges each person to make sure the feedback is fair, and that the decision the interviewer chose is justified.

Assessment factors

The main factors assessed in this meeting are:

Good signs

There are some signs that are generally taken into account positively, and have resulted into candidates being accepted because of them:

Once the decision is taken, if the result is positive, the recruiter goes ahead and takes it from there.
If the result is negative, the recruiter surveys the team if the candidate can be downleveled or not, and the cooldown period required if not the default period.

Good luck in your interview!

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